Writing A Speech Essay

Speech writing is common in college, even in classes where you might not expect to have to write a speech. However, keep in mind it may be called a presentation as well, and the same steps should be followed to complete the assignment.

According to experts on writing essays from the site paperhelp.nyc, preparing a speech or presentation is nerve wracking for many people. Getting up in front of the class may never seem easy, however the more prepared you are the more confidence you’ll have when presenting information doing your speech. One of the main ideas to keep in mind is to have structure and flow to the speech. The better you organize your ideas and thoughts, as well as having a strong beginning, middle and end, the better the speech will go.
The beginning of the speech or the opening is extremely important, since this is how you will grab your audiences attention and get them interested in what you have to say. There are numerous ways to open your speech and it will depend on your topic, as well as what you are comfortable with too. You can ask a question, make a statement, use a quote or even a joke to open with. From here comes the body of the speech. This is where all the information is and the points you plan to make, so it should be the biggest chunk of the speech writing. Since you have already opened with your topic, you are now moving to historical facts and your arguments on the topic. There should be specific points that you want to cover within the body. Each point should be connected to the one before it, so the speech moves forward effortlessly and the audience can follow the train of thoughts. Make sure when you come to the end that you summarize your topic and the points that were made. You can also give further thoughts on the topic at this point as well, such as a final thought on the topic.
When start writing essays, you should follow an outline and drafting of the speech for preparation. Create and outline, before sitting down to actually write the speech. The outline will have the beginning, middle and end of course and will make formulating the thoughts and ideas easier. A basic speech outline is as follows:

  • Opening
    • Introduction of yourself and your topic.
  • Body
    • Point 1
      • Additional details.
    • Point 2
      • Additional details.
    •  Point 3
      • Additional details.
    • More points can be added if necessary, depending on the topic and the length of the speech that is needed.
  • Closing
    • Tie and summarize the speech together.
    • Further thoughts on the topic.
    • Finals thoughts or opinions on the topic.

After the first outline is complete, you can continue to go back through to add additional information or clarify points. Remove anything that does not pertain directly to your topic or is not relevant. Once the outline is complete, the first written draft of the speech can begin. Beginning writing the speech and creating complete sentences and thoughts from the outline that has been created. It is important to use your own voice and be yourself. Speeches are more of an extension of you, since you are speaking your thoughts instead of just writing them. The more the speech sounds like you,the more comfortable you will be when presenting it. Keep in mind though that this will not be the final version of the speech. There should be a couple of drafts completed to tweet the speech and to make sure that it has the desired effect you are looking for.

Before moving on to the final version of the speech, have someone else listen to you give the speech. This will help with flushing out anything else that is not needed, that can not be understood or is not working. Reading out loud a few times to yourself is worth the time as well. Once you have received feedback and made the changes. You are ready to complete the final version and give your speech.